A potent combination to keep your hydration levels in check

A potent combination to keep your hydration levels in check
Cleansing is a fundamental gesture in any daily beauty routine; we free the skin of impurities, traces of makeup, excess oil and pollution, leaving it ready to receive the active ingredients we need next.
But if, in addition, the formula we use includes more than 95% of organic active ingredients that come from organic farming and offer a powerful and real anti-aging solution, the beauty experience is amplified.
OLAND hace una selección muy rigurosa de todos sus activos. Bajo el lema #OrganicLikeYou, Valora sus beneficios, su compatibilidad con la piel, su eficacia y su origen. A través de sus formulaciones combate los principales signos de envejecimiento ofreciendo una alternativa orgánica a los activos tradicionales, sin renunciar a su efectividad.
Have you heard of the Cleomilk Complex?
OLAND has included it in its nourishing and regenerating cleansing milk. Aloe Vera, Black Cumin and Sesame are the 3 natural active ingredients that make up this powerful complex that promotes skin re-lipidation, accelerating the regeneration of the skin barrier and protecting it against dehydration and transepidermal water loss.
¿What is so special about each of these 3 ingredientes for OLAND to have included them in its formulation?
Black cumin oil, known as «oil of the pharaohs», is known for its anti-aging, moisturizing and protective properties. Rich in essential amino acids and minerals, it is used for conditions such as acne, because it regulates and strengthens the skin while deeply cleansing the pores.
Sesame oil helps to slow down the passage of time and prevent skin aging thanks to essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 and to its high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin E. An excellent regenerator of damaged skin, sesame oil helps to slow down the harmful effects of the sun’s rays on the dermis, acting as an «urban» sunscreen.
Thanks to the 99.5% water contained in Aloe Vera, this plant is one of the best ingredients to moisturize and nourish the skin without leaving a greasy appearance. It acts as a photoprotector, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Moisturizes and soothes the skin against irritations. It shrinks pores, ideal for acne-prone skin and helps to eliminate any marks thanks to its regenerating properties.
OLAND’s phyto-milk has a long list of organic ingredients that, in combination with the Cleomilk complex, make this cleanser a perfect ally for your daily routine.
Nourishing organic oils such as Macadamia Nut, Sunflower, Baobab and Rosehip Oil, rich in Vitamin E, A and C, stimulate cell regeneration while improving collagen production, texture and skin tone, providing firm and smooth skin.
Extracto de Hisopo ayuda a eliminar las células muertas. Mantecas Orgánicas de Cacao, Karité y Cupuacu que calman la piel irritada y estresada, reducen la tirantez y suavizan la piel, al mismo tiempo que a bsorben los efectos dañinos de los rayos UVA / UVB para una protección solar natural.
Hidrolato Orgánico de Uva, rico en polifenoles y flavonoides, mejora la afinidad cutánea y potencia la eficacia de los beneficios anti-edad de los ingredientes activos gracias a su acción antioxidante.
¡Disfruta de una experiencia orgánica buena para tu piel y responsable para tu planeta!